Positronics India had been serving in the field of automation and controls since 2008. We specialize in DCS, PLC and SCADA based control system, Governor Control System for Hydroelectric Power Plant, VFD and MCC panel along with different kind of Field Instruments.
Masibus Manufacturer of VMS-R Vibration Monitoring Rack comprising of electronic modules – monitors, power supply, Relay, data acquisition unit in 19” Rack accepts Proximity Vibration input and provides continuous operational supervision of rotating machinery such as turbosets, compressors, Multistage pumps, gearbox etc. VMS-R is available in 19” sub-rack with 10 I/O slots, the architecture supports upto 8 Cards for Vibration Input modules, upto 2 Cards for Digital output modules, Power Supply and Main Controller Module in combination. VMS-R comes with dual RS485 port & an Ethernet Port to enhance the communication capabilities of the unit and for direct interface with PLC, DCS or SCADA. An isolated 4-20mA analog output proportional to Vibration range per vibration input channel is available to interface with PLC/DCS/RTU for centralized monitoring and protection. VMS-R comes with Buffered output on BNC connector per channel for analysis purpose of raw signal of Vibration input. The 8 Relay output module or 16 OC output module can be freely mapped to any channel set points and configured as Alarm/Trip or status functionality. VMS-R has a battery backed memory with RTC that allows user to setup channels for real-time logging with time-stamp. The Logging function allows user to setup channels for real-time logging with time-stamp, Windows utility software works on windows platform and is used for VMS configuration, calibration and retrieving logged data to PC. Optionally, Operator terminal (HMI) is used for local display, configuration and programming of Vibration monitoring unit.
Product Features
Applications: Generator/ Turbine Monitoring and Protection, Vibration measurement and protection of - Gear boxes, Pumps, Compressors.